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September 15th > The Programme at a Glance is available for download.
The week’s programme explores how by working together we can use standards to achieve a better and more sustainable world.
Stay tuned to our social platforms for key updates as they go live!
All times are in United Arab Emirates Standard Time (UTC+4).
Monday Sessions
In-person (with livestream)
The annual meeting of the ISO Committee on developing country matters (DEVCO) will discuss opportunities and challenges of ISO members in developing countries contributing to the future of the standardization landscape.
Hybrid / Workshop
Standards development for the ‘new normal’ and the London Declaration
As Covid launched us to a ‘new normal’, the 2021 London Declaration set an ambitious vision for our community. Join an interactive conversation on how we must seize the chance to change processes and culture for the better.
Silvio Dulinsky
Deputy Secretary General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Steven Cornish
Senior Director International Policy, American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Amanda Richardson
Head of International Policy, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Hybrid / Workshop
Coherence of the International Standards system
Global challenges that reach across ISO, IEC and ITU-T continue to emerge. Join us for a lively debate on how we are addressing these challenges, and share your experiences coordinating activities across the ISO technical community and beyond.
Javier Garcia
CEO, Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
Amanda Richardson
Head of International Policy, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Innovation for transformative climate solutions
Providing a global cross-disciplinary community of practice with a space to share ideas and design climate solutions.
High-end climate change requires transformative solutions as conventional strategies will not be enough to withstand major climate disruption. The Expanded Innovation Space aims to promote transformative innovations for a low-emissions and climate-resilient future.
It commits to facilitating solutions that support the climate-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and address core human needs for food, shelter, mobility, and access via alternative value chains aligned with those SDGs.
Bringing together leading climate experts, this session will provide a global cross-disciplinary community of practice with a space to share ideas and design climate solutions in a spirit of collaboration.
Organized in collaboration with UNFCCC.
Scott Steedman
Director of Standards, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Massamba Thioye
Manager, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Johan Claire
Chair, ISO technical committee on innovation management (ISO/TC 279)
Sarah Jane Snook
Chair, ISO subcommittee on GHG and climate change management (ISO/TC 207/SC 7)
Dennis Pamlin
Head/ Senior Advisor, Mission Innovation’s Net Zero Innovation Initiative/MI Rise
Catherine Atkin
Co-Chair and Co-Founder, Stanford CodeX Climate Data Policy Initiative, BlueVista
Andy Deacon
Acting Managing Director, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Tuesday Sessions
Resilient food systems: an innovative and sustainable approach
Explores the role of standards through two case studies through a facilitated and interactive discussion with experts.
Our global food systems are facing multiple challenges. The way food is produced, processed, packaged, distributed and consumed hinders food security and depletes natural resources. This is compounded by a volatile climate and its deleterious effects on food production.
To address these issues, we need to look at entire food systems and work towards making them more secure and sustainable. With a focus on agri-tech innovation, data, digitalization and new operational methods and systems, standards play a pivotal role in creating a circular economy for food. This session explores the role of standards through two case studies, from Kenya and Singapore, and facilitates an interactive discussion with experts.
Organized in collaboration with Singapore Standards Council, Enterprise Singapore, the British Standards Institution, UNIDO
Raj Rajasekar
Vice-Chair, Codex Alimentarius Commission
Stefano Sedola
Chief Technical Advisor, Markup Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Nyet Chin Chong
Director Food Safety & Quality, NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Ltd
Teo Shuan Hao
Senior Lecturer, Republic Polytechnic Singapore
Sara Walton
Agri-Food & Sustainability Sector Lead, British Standards Institution (BSI)
James Lowenberg-DeBoer
Elizabeth Creak Chair of Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University
Allan Lim
Chair, Singapore's Food Standards Committee
Hybrid / Panel
Achieving Global collaboration
A conversation between international organizations on the opportunities and challenges of collaborating on international standards.
The events of the past two years remind us that today’s global challenges cannot be solved without coordinated and coherent action. Collaborative efforts will be crucial to ensuring the scale and speed of change necessary to deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
International Standards can serve as accelerators of change to support organizations worldwide in their endeavours.
To help promote their uptake, ISO is seeking to establish effective and meaningful partnerships. A panel session will be held to explore the common challenges to collaboration and identify ways in which they can be overcome.
#collaboration #sustainability #developingcountries
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Sergio Mujica
Secretary-General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Philippe Metzger
Secretary-General and CEO, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Chaesub Lee
Director, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Sandra Cabrera De Leicht
Advisor Sustainability Standards & Value Chains, International Trade Center (ITC)
Marianna Karttunen
Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Gauri Singh
Deputy Director-General, International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
Houssam Chahin
Chief of Private sector partnership in the MENA region, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
In-person / Roundtable
Towards an inclusive future
A unique experience in crowdsourcing answers on the toughest challenges in the standards world. Bring along your challenges or help others with theirs.
How do we engage universities? What are the challenges of digitalization? Am I ready for a future pandemic? Nearly every global issue today, from climate change to governance to disaster response, can benefit from having a larger crowd of informed individuals helping to generate, vet and implement solutions.
Many of the more sensitive or otherwise complex subject matters are not being addressed in a timely manner, if at all, due to a lack of creative ideas, resources or other challenges.
This session offers a safe space for standards industry peers to examine and discuss out-of-the-box solutions to burning questions.
#collaboration #innovation #developingcountries
Adam Stingemore
General Manager Engagement and Communications, Standards Australia (SA)
Urs Fischer
CEO, Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV)
Karina Nazello
International Affairs Analyst, Brazilian National Standards Organization (ABNT)
Ruggero Lensi
General Director, Italian National Unification (UNI)
Lena Dargham
Director General, Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR)
Pamela Tarif
Global Engagement Director, Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS)
In-person / World Café
Future World Café
Come and discuss future trends and challenges with experts on the subjects that interest you most.
The world around us is changing at an unprecedented pace. In the “go faster, do more” technology culture, more and more organizations are failing due to human error, bad judgement and the inability to see the risks coming their way. Are we prepared for the future? Anticipating the challenges and opportunities our world will face tomorrow requires in-depth insight of the forces driving change on a global scale.
The ISO Foresight Trend Report identifies the most significant trends that will impact standardization as we work towards the goals and priorities of the ISO Strategy 2030. Join us in exploring the driving forces that will shape our future world.
#sustainability #innovation #developingcountries
Belinda Cleeland
Head of Research and Innovation, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Ajit Jillavenkatesa
Senior Standards Legal Policy Adviser
Marianna Karttunen
Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Sandra Cabrera De Leicht
Advisor Sustainability Standards & Value Chains, International Trade Center (ITC)
Gauri Singh
Deputy Director General, International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
Julie Chamay
Director of Human Resources, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Martina Paul
Senior Standardization Strategist, Huawei
Dena Assaf
United Nations Resident Coordinator for the UAE, United Nations (UN)
Eunsook Moon
Vice-Chair ISO/COPOLCO, Chung-Ang University
Hybrid / Workshop
Trade in the age of digitalization
Engage in dialogue with experts on trade digitalization and understand how its evolution will impact standardization and conformity assessment.
The impact of digital technologies on trade will continue to accelerate. The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and blockchain are expected to have profoundly transformative effects on global trade patterns.
They will also affect how conformity is assessed and communicated, bringing confidence to markets and supply chains the world over. While innovative digital technologies have undeniable advantages, access to them is not equal.
The digitalization of trade could exacerbate the digital divide, creating new obstacles for developing countries looking to expand into regional and global markets.
This session is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with experts on trade digitalization and understand how its evolution will impact standardization and conformity assessment, particularly in developing countries.
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Erik Wijkström
Head of TBT section, World Trade Organization (WTO)
William Gain
Global Lead for Trade Facilitation and Border Management, World Bank Group (WBG)
Lucian Cernat
Head of Global Regulatory Cooperation and International Procurement Negociation, European Union Commission
Esther Ngari
Director Standards Development and International Trade, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Hybrid / Barbershop
Mobilizing men for gender equality
In their role as International Gender Champions, leaders from the World Standards Cooperation (IEC, ISO and ITU) open-up for an informal and candid conversation around gender equality.
Leaders from the World Standards Cooperation (IEC, ISO and ITU) will come together for a candid conversation around gender issues. The standards community is doing its part to promote gender equality by bringing on board a man’s perspective.
To achieve full gender equality, men need to be in the rooms where discussions about gender are happening. Join leaders of the world’s three largest international standards organizations as they discuss how their roles help transform social norms and support women’s empowerment.
Barbershop events are an initiative by UNWomen to provide men with tools to address inequality.
#HeForShe #diversity #sustainability #developingcountries
Javier Garcia
CEO, Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
Sergio Mujica
Secretary General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Philippe Metzger
Secretary General and CEO, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Chaesub Lee
Director, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Global perspectives on international standards: A market point of view
In a world riddled with uncertainty, the need for standards has never been greater.
Despite the recent COVID pandemic, the global standards market, valued at approximately USD 1.5 billion, has been experiencing a growth of 5 percent per year.
Yet, current global economic uncertainty, the risk of stagflation in several economies and mounting tension in international trade present significant risks for sustained growth.
This session will cover the main trends, opportunities and challenges of the global standards market. A must-go-to for anyone looking to understand today’s standards market landscape.
Silvio Dulinsky
Deputy Secretary General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Adam Stingemore
General Manager Engagement and Communications, Standards Australia (SA)
Hermogene Nsengimana
Secretary General, African Organisation for Standardisation
Convergence of Technologies and Youth Collaboration
About the importance of youth’s involvement and leadership in the development of these technologies.
This workshop speaks to young people and the wider standardization community by providing an interactive platform to raise awareness and spark interest in new technologies that converge physical, biological, and digital worlds. Throughout the session, we will uncover the importance of youth’s involvement and leadership in the development of these technologies, and in seizing their potential to address global challenges through international standards.
H.E Omar Suwaina Al Suwaidi
Under-Secretary, UAE Ministry of industry and advanced technologies
Silvio Dulinsky
Deputy Secretary General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Aisha Alsuwaidi
Head of MoIAT Youth Council, Member of Emirates Youth Councils
Nour Al Harmoodi
Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi
Fatima Ahmed Al Khoury
UAE Young Professional Leader
Amna Al Saleh
Acting Head of Technology Development, MoIAT
Omar Al Dhuhoori
Curator, Abu Dhabi Hub, World Economic Forum Global Shapers initiative
Musab Alhammadi
UAE Artificial Intelligence Office
Has covid launched the digital transformation of conformity assessment
How can the digital transformation of conformity assessment be leveraged further for the benefit of all.
Standards and conformity assessment provide the tools to deliver trust and confidence about the environment in which we live. But what happens when this environment changes?
Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization has fundamentally altered the way we live, work and relate to each other. Conformity assessment actors had to develop alternative ways of working based on AI, machine learning, remote auditing, constant data exchange and much more. In this context, how do we ensure the sector continues to meet the demands for quality and safety? Are standards still fit to deliver the level of confidence required by the market?
Looking beyond the specific circumstance of the pandemic, this session considers the digital transformation of conformity assessment and how it can be leveraged further for the benefit of all.
Organized in collaboration with IAF and ILAC.
H.E Omar Suwaina Al Suwaidi
Under-Secretary, UAE Ministry of industry and advanced technologies
Marcus Long
Chief Executive, Independent International Organisation for Certification (IIOC)
Sheronda Jeffries
IAF User Advisory Committee Vice-Chair and Technical Leader, Cisco Systems
Amina Ahmed
ARAC Chair and Chief Executive, Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC)
Pavel Castka
Professor, University of Canterbury
Eve Christine Gadzikwa
How trade policies can support the climate agenda
To meet the commitments of the Paris Agreement, it is important that policies around trade and investment support national efforts.
Climate action is a key challenge for countries around the world, made more urgent by the marked increase in the frequency and extremity of adverse climatic events. Trade and climate are inextricably linked, trade policy and activity can impact the climate, and the climate can have a significant disruptive effect on trade flows.
The focus of this session is to unpack some of the major challenges that are posed by trade and climate, viewed through the lens of a range of different stakeholder groups. This will be complemented by short introductions exploring some of the critically important work that is being delivered to minimize the climatic risks associated with global trade.
Organized in collaboration with the British Standards Institution.
David Bell
Director of Standards Policy, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Erik Wijkström
Head of TBT section, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Nick Davies
Director, Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation, ICC
Kennedy Mbeva
Postdoctoral research Associate, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
Wednesday Sessions
Addressing sustainability challenges arising from the demographic transition
By 2050, one in six people in the world will be over age 65.
The world’s population is growing older: by 2050, one in six people in the world will be over age 65.
While age profiles will vary greatly between countries, every country in the world will experience an increase in its average age over the next few decades. This demographic transition will lead to both challenges and opportunities at a societal level.
There will be implications for workforces, healthcare, consumer trends, physical and social environments, and more.
Organized in collaboration with ISO/TC 314, Ageing societies.
Yemi Babington-Ashaye
President, United People Global
Anne Livingstone
Director of Research & Project, Global Community Ressourcing
Hajime Yamada
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University
Ian Spero
Honorary Professor, Agile Ageing Alliance (AAA)
Ade Damayanti
Leader, UPG Sustainability
Hybrid / Panel
Innovative solutions for water scarcity
Explores how innovative water technologies can help address water scarcity and deliver a future of true water abundance.
Almost two-thirds of the world’s population experience severe water scarcity for at least one month each year. Over two billion people live in countries where water supply is inadequate. The consequences of water scarcity manifest in not only having enough drinking water but also having knock-on effects on other essential industries, such as agriculture and health.
This session will explore how innovative water technologies, supported by international standards, can help address water scarcity, especially in developing countries.
Organized in collaboration with the Standards Institution of Israel and the International Federation of Standards Users.
Vered Oren
Board Member, International federation of Standards Users (IFAN)
Abed Masarwa
VP of Products, Netafim
Shlomo Sackstein
CEO, Biopuremax
Gilad Golub
CEO, The Standards Institute of Israel (SII)
Dalia Yarom
Chair, ISO Technical Committee on water reuse
Michael Rutman
Co-CEO, Watergen Ltd
Ha Minh Hiep
Acting Director General, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, Ministry of Science and Technology (STAMEQ)
Hybrid / Panel
Staying one step ahead
The role of standards in a world where digitalized collaboration is becoming the new norm.
Technological advances are constantly changing how we live and work and are already shaping the world of tomorrow. As ISO goes through its own digital transformation to continue to address emerging needs, ISO and its members must also continue to push boundaries when it comes to digitalization.
Kareen Riley-Takos
General Manager Operations, Standards Australia (SA)
Jan Benedictus
CEO, Fonto
Nelson Al Assal Filho
Director of Standardization, Brazilian National Standards Organization (ABNT)
Hussalmizzar Hussain
Senior Director of Standardisation, Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM)
Daniel Alberto Trillos Orduz
Standardization Deputy Director, Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC)
In-person / Gamified experience
Diversity challenge
A unique and engaging experience uncovering the true power of diversity.
Inclusion is key to unleashing the true potential of standards. Getting all voices on board ensures the standards produced by ISO are relevant and applicable. Whatever the context, we all need to ensure a more inclusive and fairer society for all.
But equity in standards setting is not an easy task. How can we better include those voices that often go unheard? Be part of the solution and help co-create a standards development process that is inclusive and open to all. Are you up to the challenge?
#diversity #sustainability #developingcountries
CEO, Senior Specialist Corp., House of Knowledge
In-person / Workshop
Answering market challenges through standards
Having a robust sales and marketing strategy in place is essential to demonstrate the benefits of standards.
From climate change to cybersecurity, ISO standards offer solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. The way we market ourselves is key to ensuring our standards are seen as assets for sustainable change across national borders.
Join other ISO members for a dynamic discussion on how best to spread the word.
Hybrid / Fishbowl
How International Standards can help implement credible climate plans
Join an exclusive and intimate conversation where key stakeholders with very different perspectives imagine net-zero and how we get there.
Imagine a world where net zero is a reality. How did we get there? The next few years will be crucial if the world is to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. It will require strong and committed leadership from the political and business communities along with the ongoing support of civil society.
To achieve COP26’s promise of a cleaner, greener world and help companies, cities and governments uphold their net-zero pledges, we need a regulatory framework that holds us accountable.
This session will explore how International Standards can set the metrics for businesses and regulators to adopt a credible roadmap and prepare for a net-zero future.
#climateaction #sustainability #developingcountries
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Ulrika Francke
President, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Dena Assaf
United Nations Resident Coordinator for the UAE, United Nations (UN)
Kathrin Brost
Vice President, Global Head of GoGreen Program, DHL Global Forwarding
Essa AbdulRahman Al Hashmi
Assistant Undersecretary for Sustainable Communities, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, UAE
In-person / World Café
Future World Café
Come and discuss future trends and challenges with experts on the subjects that interest you most.
The world around us is changing at an unprecedented pace. In the “go faster, do more” technology culture, more and more organizations are failing due to human error, bad judgement and the inability to see the risks coming their way. Are we prepared for the future? Anticipating the challenges and opportunities our world will face tomorrow requires in-depth insight of the forces driving change on a global scale.
The ISO Foresight Trend Report identifies the most significant trends that will impact standardization as we work towards the goals and priorities of the ISO Strategy 2030. Join us in exploring the driving forces that will shape our future world.
#sustainability #innovation #developingcountries
Belinda Cleeland
Head of Research and Innovation, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Ajit Jillavenkatesa
Senior Standards Legal Policy Adviser
Marianna Karttunen
Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Sandra Cabrera De Leicht
Advisor Sustainability Standards & Value Chains, International Trade Center (ITC)
Gauri Singh
Deputy Director General, International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
Julie Chamay
Director of Human Resources, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Martina Paul
Senior Standardization Strategist, Huawei
Dena Assaf
United Nations Resident Coordinator for the UAE, United Nations (UN)
Kathrin Brost
Vice President, Global Head of GoGreen Program, DHL, Global Forwarding
Hybrid / Workshop
Trade in the age of digitalization
Engage in dialogue with experts on trade digitalization and understand how its evolution will impact standardization and conformity assessment.
The impact of digital technologies on trade will continue to accelerate. The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and blockchain are expected to have profoundly transformative effects on global trade patterns.
They will also affect how conformity is assessed and communicated, bringing confidence to markets and supply chains the world over. While innovative digital technologies have undeniable advantages, access to them is not equal.
The digitalization of trade could exacerbate the digital divide, creating new obstacles for developing countries looking to expand into regional and global markets.
This session is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with experts on trade digitalization and understand how its evolution will impact standardization and conformity assessment, particularly in developing countries.
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Erik Wijkström
Head of TBT section, World Trade Organization (WTO)
William Gain
Global Lead for Trade Facilitation and Border Management, World Bank Group (WBG)
Lucian Cernat
Head of Global Regulatory Cooperation and International Procurement Negociation, European Union Commission
Esther Ngari
Director Standards Development and International Trade, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
In-person / Roundtable
The evolution of standards in the digital era
Examine the impacts of digitalization on standards development, and how we can achieve an equitable and inclusive digital transformation for all.
The digital world proposes novel tools at an unparalleled speed. How do we keep up with them? Can we successfully transition from using paper to digital equivalents on the internet at a global level, without leaving anyone behind?
Is it possible to digitalize an entire industry when in some countries, members still have unstable access to the internet? Digital solutions are reinforcing collaboration but at the same time, digital inequality is becoming an undeniable challenge that can create an even greater divide within and across industries and continents.
This session offers a safe-space for peers in the standards industry to examine and discuss out-of-the-box solutions to ensure that we keep up with global trends, all the while avoiding an even greater digital gap by encouraging customers to invest in digital solutions.
Omar Alkhalaf
CEO & SMART Champion, Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)
Jason Lim
CEO & SMART Champion, Stendard
Kareen Riley-Takos
General Manager of Operations, Standards Australia (SA)
Stéphane Châtelet
ITS Director, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Jan Benedictus
Founder and Managing Director of Fonto, Fonto
Victoria Pierlot
Head of ITS Project and Support, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Leapfrogging to cleaner energy: an opportunity for Africa
A dynamic session featuring two country case studies provides in-depth insight of Africa’s unique complexities.
When it comes to global decarbonization, all eyes are on Africa. The clean energy transition is an opportunity for many African countries to bypass traditional fuels and infrastructure and go straight to building sustainable energy systems.
Yet this requires support from the international community. This dynamic session provides in-depth insight of Africa’s unique complexities and explores ways to strengthen global collaboration for a faster, more sustainable energy transition and explores country perspectives from across the continent.
Organized in collaboration with SON and CEN.
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Raymond Gilpin
Chief Economist and Head of the Strategy, Regional Bureau for Africa, United Nations Development Program
Achema Cherry Alewu
Head of Electrical and Electronics, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON)
Matthews Mooketsane
Bantsijang Acting Chief Director, Electricity at Department of Minerals ressources and Energy
Gauri Singh
Deputy Director-General, International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
Yann Fromont
Vice President for Standardisation and Industrial Affairs Strategy, Schneider Electric
Annick Muhama
Director General of the Energy Directorate, Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda, Government of Rwanda
Gen Cesar
Chief Technical Advisor for Energy & Water, Ministry of Infrastructure, Government of Rwanda
Shaping corporate governance for the 21st century
The challenges of corporate governance in the 21st centrury and the urgent need for new mechanisms to keep the pace with a changing world.
The implementation of sustainable development is the social imperative of the 21st century, requiring strong leadership not just by governments and international orgnizations, but also by the private sector.
Everyone agrees that we need effective corporate governance to accelerate the implementation of innovative solutions and advance the sustainability agenda. But there is a lack of alignment on what effective governance means, as well as the rapidly evolving ideas about what constitutes good practice.
This session looks at the challenges of corporate governance in the 21st centrury and the urgent need for new mechanisms to keep the pace with a changing world.
Organized in collaboration with ISO/TC 309, Governance of organizations.
Axel Kravatzky
Managing Partner, Syntegra-ESG
Martin Lok
Executive Director, Capitals Coalition
Daniel Blume
Senior Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Sandra Guerra
Founding Partner, Better Governance
Helle Bank Jorgensen
Founder and Chief executive, Competent Boards
Thursday Sessions
Hybrid / Panel
The London Declaration – One year on
Find out how ISO members are transforming their economies and strengthening their climate change policies as part of a commitment to climate action through standards.
The science is clear: the need for urgent measures to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change is overwhelming. In September 2021, the ISO General Assembly defined ISO’s commitment to achieve the climate agenda by 2050 through its adoption of the London Declaration and, over the last year, ISO’s members have risen to the challenge.
This session will present the progress made so far, the plans for things to come, and convene a panel of ISO members from different regions to discuss their own specific challenges and actions.
Find out how ISO members are transforming their economies and strengthening their climate change policies as part of a commitment to climate action through standards.
Scott Steedman
Director of Standards, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Sergio Mujica
Secretary-General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Sadhvir Bissoon
Executive Standards, South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Jorge Cajazeira
Head of International Affairs, Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)
Karen Batt
Head of International, Standards Australia (SA)
Ajeshni Lata
Standards Officer, Department of National Trade Measurement and Standards (DNTMS)
Michael Stephan
Chief Operations Officer, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN)
The circular economy: going digital
Examine the decisive role of new technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0 and how they can be used to increase circularity.
Combining the circular and digital agendas should arguably contribute to a carbon-neutral future. To achieve this vision, sectors across the world need to invest in advanced technologies, in digitalization and the transition to clean energy.
However, such transitions are expensive, complex and need specific expertise. In this session, participants will examine the decisive, and almost catalytic, role of new technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0 and how they can be used to increase circularity and sustainability in the global economy.
Organized in collaboration with Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology - Standards and Technical Regulations Sector.
Attila Turos
Senior Advisor, Kearney; Co-Founder, Seven Chapters of Circularity
Dr. Farah Ali AlZarooni
Assistant Undersecretary for the Standards and Regulations Sector, Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MOIAT)
Sara Jackson
Managing Director, Green Ethics FZ LLC
Catherine Chevauché
Circular Economy Director, Veolia
Nilgün Fatma Tas
Deputy Director Environment, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Christian Schiller
CEO and Co-Founder, Cirplus
Hybrid / Debate
How relevant will we be in ten years?
Join us for a stimulating debate where two opposing thought leaders share their views on ISO’s future.
The pace of the world has changed. Just think about it. In 1947, when ISO came into existence, both access to knowledge and opportunities for collaboration were extremely limited. Today, digital platforms (such as Google, WhatsApp, TikTok and YouTube) are the main channels for disseminating information and ideas.
In this fast-paced world, will ISO still be relevant a decade from now? Join us for a stimulating debate where two opposing thought leaders share their views on ISO’s future and how to remain competitive in the years to come.
Shiulie Ghosh
International Journalist & Moderator, Aero Production Ltd.
Javier Garcia
CEO, Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
Chantal Guay
CEO, Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
Kareen Riley-Takos
General Manager Operations, Standards Australia (SA)
Maria Skou
Head of International Relations and Courses, Danish Standards
In-person (with livestream)
General Assembly
The overarching organ and ultimate authority of ISO, the meeting of the General Assembly is the opportunity to exchange with fellow ISO Members as the way forward is charted, together.
Can sustainable tourism really be sustainable?
How do standards help make sustainable travel easier?
With rising awareness of the carbon footprint of travelling, consumers expect more from travel service providers. However, claims about sustainable tourism services - especially for those purchased online - can sometimes be opaque and confusing. As a result, many consumers struggle to make informed choices about a "sustainable" holiday.
After a brief presentation of the issues, participants in this session will take a hypothetical holiday to Faunifloria, an imaginary sustainable tourism location. On the journey, they will explore such service aspects as access, information, safety, performance, informed choice, environmental impact, privacy and data protection; and find out what makes a sustainable claim credible - and what tools exist to help make their sustainable holiday successful.
Julie Hunter
Chair - Consumer & Public Interest Network, British Standards Institution (BSI)
Christine Riefa
Professor, University of Reading, School of Law
Margaux Le Gallou
Programme Manager, Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS)
Alexandre Garrido
Director, Sextante
Friday Sessions
In person
Regional Workshops
The ISO Regional Engagement Policy (REP) provides dedicated, sustainable and tailor-made support directly to all ISO members in a regional context and enhances engagement with the regional and sub-regional standards organizations (RSOs) approved by ISO Council.
Through a series of thought-provoking questions, this regional workshop provides an opportunity for ISO members and RSOs of the Africa and Arab States region to meet face to face to reflect on the REP journey thus far and look toward the future. The sessions will be facilitated by the ISO Central Secretariat Regional Coordinators and ISO leadership.
Farah Ali AlZarooni
Assistant Undersecretary for the Standards and Regulations Sector, Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MOIAT)
Sara Jackson
Managing Director, Green Ethics FZ LLC
Catherine Chevauché
Strategy and Innovation, Veolia
Nilgün Fatma Tas
Deputy Director Environment, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
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September 15th > The Programme at a Glance is available for download.