This part of ISO 21940 specifies the requirements for the following:
a) identifying errors in the unbalance measuring process of a rotor;
b) assessing the identified errors;
c) taking the errors into account.
This part of ISO 21940 specifies balance acceptance criteria, in terms of residual unbalance, for both directly
after balancing and for a subsequent check of the balance quality by the user.
For the main typical errors, this part of ISO 21940 lists methods for their reduction in an informative annex.
General information
Status: Under developmentStage: Working draft (WD) study initiated [20.20]
Edition: 2
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 108/SC 2
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Life cycle
PublishedISO 21940-14:2012
PublishedISO 21940-14:2012/Amd 1:2022