Reference number
ISO/TS 24620-1:2015
Technical Specification
ISO/TS 24620-1:2015
Language resource management — Controlled natural language (CNL) — Part 1: Basic concepts and principles
Edition 1
Technical Specification
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ISO/TS 24620-1:2015
Published (Edition 1, 2015)
This publication was last reviewed and confirmed in 2023. Therefore this version remains current.


As part of a drive to provide international standards for language resource management, ISO/TS 24620-1:2015 on controlled natural language (CNL) sets out the principles of CNL and its utilization together with the relevant supporting technology. However, ISO/TS 24620-1:2015 also aims to introduce a general view of CNL with its objectives and characteristics and provide a scheme for classifying a range of CNLs. ISO/TS 24620-1:2015 additionally specifies certain normalizing principles of CNLs that control the use of natural languages in particular domains and are also oriented towards areas of practical application. These areas include public administrative communications, search optimization, and the management of automatic question-answering systems, but the current version of ISO/TStract 24620-1:2015 does not address any issue involving these applications directly.

General information

  •  : Published
     : 2015-03
    : International Standard confirmed [90.93]
  •  : 1
     : 9
  • ISO/TC 37/SC 4
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