Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 37202
Safeguarding for organizations — Guidance
Ссылочный номер
ISO/AWI 37202
Версия 1
Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 37202
Проект данного международного стандарта был подготовлен рабочей группой.


Guidance providing organizations on how to keep individuals safe from harm and respond effectively to safeguarding concerns. “Individuals” can include any adult or child who comes into contact with the organization. Note: A safeguarding concern might include knowledge, anxiety, worry, suspicion or feeling regarding safeguarding that an individual(s) has, or might experience, any kind of actual or potential harm, mistreatment or neglect. Safeguarding can be considered as measures taken to protect a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect. It would be applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, both in the real world and in the digital domain. Note: Please see BS25800 – Safeguarding for organizations – Guide – which is a reference for this proposal. It is attached to this proposal (annex B) but also freely available at: https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/insights-and-media/insights/brochures/bs-258002024-safeguarding-for-organizations/

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