Numéro de référence
ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011
Spécification technique
ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011
Technologies de l'information pour l'apprentissage, l'éducation et la formation — Nomadisme et technologies mobiles — Partie 2: Modèle d'information des apprenants pour l'apprentissage mobile
Edition 1
ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011
Annulée (Edition 1, 2011)


ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011 provides a learner information model specific to mobile learning that can be used as a reference by software developers, implementers, instructional designers, trainers, automated systems, and learning management systems to ensure that learning, education, and training (LET) environments reflect the specific needs of mobile participants. Since these needs impact on other standardization efforts and other work items in LET, a concise view is necessary.

ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011 provides

  • a definition of mobile learning that is appropriate for all sectors in LET,
  • the description of the learner information model for mobile learning,
  • specific learner information that supports learners engaged in mobile learning activities in LET environments.

In addition, ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011 provides some initial guidance regarding the issue of privacy. This includes ensuring that ISO/IEC TS 29140-2:2011 does not contravene any privacy requirements.

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