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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 131/SC 1 Secretaría Etapa ICS
Fluid power systems and components — Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams — Part 1: Graphical symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
Fluid power systems and components — Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams — Part 1: Graphical symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications — Amendment 1
Fluid power systems and components — Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams — Part 2: Circuit diagrams
Fluid power systems and components — Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams — Part 3: Symbol modules and connected symbols in circuit diagrams
Fluid power systems and components — Vocabulary
Fluid power — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 1: General overview on organization and structure
Fluid power — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 2: Definitions of classes and properties of pneumatics
Fluid power — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 3: Definitions of classes and properties of hydraulics

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