Secretariat: BIS (India)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2027):Dr K.J. Sreeram
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 1966
Standardization in the field of:
- raw hides and skins including pickled pelts;
- tanned hides and skins and finished leather;
- leather products (including methods of test for leather products).
- methods of test in the field of raw hides and skins, including pickled pelts, tanned hides and skins and finished leather, which is the field of the IULTCS (see Note);
- footwear, which is the field of work of ISO / TC 216;
- protective clothing and equipment, which is the field of work of ISO / TC 94.
The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) is the international standardizing body responsible for the development of International Standards defining methods of test for leather other than made-up articles.
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